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Attention Insight
Artificial Intelligence Technology

A predictive eye tracking system based on deep learning and trained on 30800 images from eye tracking studies

Attention Insight startup at innovators gate on innovators gate sales platform IGS, predictive eye tracking ai
Designs analyzed
From eye tracking studies
To get a result
% Accuracy
Of prediction for web designs

The Technology

Attention Insight startup at innovators gate on innovators gate sales platform IGS, predictive eye tracking ai
The Attention Insight algorithm is trained on approximately 30800 images from eye-tracking studies. The image datasets we use are both open-source and proprietary. Data set statistics: (a) Participant attention duration: 4 seconds (b) Average gender distribution: 58% women and 42% of men (c) Average participant age distribution: varies from 7 years old to about 60+ years old. However, most participants fall into the 21–30 age bracket.
Attention Insight visual attention predictions are ~90% accurate for web images, and ~94% accurate for all other images. In addition, the accuracy of Attention Insight algorithm results was determined by comparing it to MIT’s data set containing images with eye tracking data. In order to compare eye tracking results with our algorithm results, Area under the curve (AUC Judd) metric was used, currently the main metric in MIT saliency benchmark
The Attention Insight attention prediction model is based on deep learning and can automatically detect visual attention shifts that can be used as a substitution for eye-tracking studies. Finally, to use the Attention Insight platform, users do not need to collect additional data since an AI algorithm uses previously recorded data from eye tracking studies and generates attention heatmaps in seconds.

Real Eye Tracking vs
Predictive Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking

Predictive Eye Tracking

Eye Tracking

Attention Insight startup at innovators gate on innovators gate sales platform IGS, predictive eye tracking ai

Predictive Eye Tracking

Attention Insight startup at innovators gate on innovators gate sales platform IGS, predictive eye tracking ai

Eye Tracking

Attention Insight startup at innovators gate on innovators gate sales platform IGS, predictive eye tracking ai

Predictive Eye Tracking

Attention Insight startup at innovators gate on innovators gate sales platform IGS, predictive eye tracking ai

Eye Tracking

Attention Insight startup at innovators gate on innovators gate sales platform IGS, predictive eye tracking ai

Predictive Eye Tracking

Attention Insight startup at innovators gate on innovators gate sales platform IGS, predictive eye tracking ai

Eye Tracking

Attention Insight startup at innovators gate on innovators gate sales platform IGS, predictive eye tracking ai

Predictive Eye Tracking

Attention Insight startup at innovators gate on innovators gate sales platform IGS, predictive eye tracking ai


Video Heatmaps​

Boost your Video Ad performance by applying heatmaps to its analysis. AI video heatmaps represent concentration of attention in a video that is being played.

You read it right. No need to upload it frame by frame, just play the video and analyse the heatmaps provided.

Video heatmaps feature is available upon request. The test is performed by Attention Insight team.

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